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Patient Advisory Council

To provide our leadership with perspective and insight from the communities we serve, Day Kimball Healthcare formed the Patient Advisory Council in 2014. The Council is a by-invitation voluntary group of community members who are Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH) patients and reside in the 13-town region of Northeast Connecticut we serve. The Council is co-chaired by a member of the community and a member of DKH’s leadership team. Current co-chairs are Karen Osbrey, Owner, WINY 1350 Radio Station and Donald St. Onge, SVP, COO, CNO Day Kimball Healthcare.


What is the purpose of the Council?

DKH formed the council to provide us with community perspective and insight on the decisions being made about our business model and service delivery directly from our patients. As we transform into a medical services network focused on “well care” rather than “sick care,” we do not want to lose sight of what’s truly important, the patient. The Council will provide a forum for patients to influence our leadership’s decision-making process.


What is required of Council members?

After review of all applications submitted, the co-chairs make the final selection of council members based on forming a group that is representative both geographically and demographically of DKH’s patient and family community. There are approximately 25 members on the Council.

The Council meets approximately three to four times per year for a two-hour facilitated discussion. The dates, time and place of the meetings will be announced in advance to provide ample time for planning; depending on membership preferences they may be breakfast, lunch or dinner sessions. A minimum of one year commitment is required to participate in the Council.


What is discussed at meetings?

The purpose of the meetings is for Day Kimball to share information on healthcare service delivery including specific programs and services being offered by DKH. The discussion will not be focused on medical or wellness information and education. The topics selected will include where and how we deliver care, how we communicate with patients and how well we are providing easy access to professional, affordable, high quality care. We will frame the discussion in the context of what types of services are needed or desired in Northeast Connecticut, and how DKH is responding to the national, state and regional healthcare landscape. The overall goal is to share ideas on how to improve care and the patient experience.

Depending on the topic, the meeting format will vary including DKH administrative and clinical panels for town hall discussions; focus groups to provide specific feedback on defined subject; and formal presentations followed by open discussion on a subject. 


How is information shared?

The key findings and insights from each of the meetings will be compiled into a report and shared with Council members and Corporators, and as appropriate with the community at large. It will include a recap of the discussion as well as how DKH is able to respond to observations offered by the Council.


How Can I Become a Member of the Patient Advisory Council?

To become a member, complete and submit the Patient Advisory Council Member Application.

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